We've identified 3 primary areas of focus in the Transition to Revit.
Revit Template Optimization
Revit Library (Organization, Content Creation, & Project Harvesting)
Revit Staff Training
It was determined that the templates represented the best return on efficiency given that every forth coming project could benefit from template optimization. A single well structured template could be leverage by every project and staff member working on that project and significantly reduce the need to correct each project due to the use of an incomplete template.
Our engineering departments have a greater need for content and thus the secondary focus for their department was related to populating the Revit Library. The architectural department also saw a need to focus on project harvesting on two recently completed very large projects. As such the Revit Library became the next focus for improvement.
Staff training was reluctantly relegated to level 3 of importance. Partially due to the ability of production staff to operate at an acceptable level of efficiency for the interim period while the first two areas of focus were addressed. With the presence of several high level Revit users in both the Architectural and Engineering departments, an on call Revit Support team was available to provide spot training and address technical hurdles that might otherwise be covered in a staff training session. This eased the staff training priority being in third position .............c.kilgore
Revit Template Optimization
Revit Library (Organization, Content Creation, & Project Harvesting)
Revit Staff Training
It was determined that the templates represented the best return on efficiency given that every forth coming project could benefit from template optimization. A single well structured template could be leverage by every project and staff member working on that project and significantly reduce the need to correct each project due to the use of an incomplete template.
Our engineering departments have a greater need for content and thus the secondary focus for their department was related to populating the Revit Library. The architectural department also saw a need to focus on project harvesting on two recently completed very large projects. As such the Revit Library became the next focus for improvement.
Staff training was reluctantly relegated to level 3 of importance. Partially due to the ability of production staff to operate at an acceptable level of efficiency for the interim period while the first two areas of focus were addressed. With the presence of several high level Revit users in both the Architectural and Engineering departments, an on call Revit Support team was available to provide spot training and address technical hurdles that might otherwise be covered in a staff training session. This eased the staff training priority being in third position .............c.kilgore